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ucc5606n UCC5606J UCC5606DWP UCC5606DPTRG4 UCC5606DPTR UCC5606DPG4 UCC5606DP/81217 UCC5606DP(SMD) D/C00
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UCC5606NG4 PDF下载
- 大小:582K
- 厂家:Texas Instruments
- 描述: The UCC5606 provides 9 lines of active termination for a small computer systems interface (SCSI) parallel bus. The SCSI standard recommends active termination at both ends of the cable segment. The UCC5606 is ideal for high performance 3.3-V SCSI systems. The key features contributing to such low operating voltage are the 0.1-V drop out regulator and the 2.7-V reference. During disconnect the supply current is typically only 0.5 A, which makes the device attractive for battery powered systems. The UCC5606 is designed with an ultra-low channel capacitance of 1.8 pF, which eliminates effects on ...
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